The first part of becoming MAGNUS for me is living virtuously – so simple – so challenging – so profoundly worth the pursuit. Thanks again to the ancients, occidental and oriental, they have done the thinking on virtues for us. Over hundreds of years of debate, over many philosophies of living they settled on the four Cardinal virtues. They are all in agreement that living well is a lifetime of study, thought, work, practice and application to live virtuously and well. Here is a quick review of what the ancients say and what it means for me. Make sure you conduct your own study of this ageless wisdom:
Wisdom – Knowledge. Do those things to be an interesting person. First and foremost, read. It is the key to communicating and by communicating well we can teach and lead. Build a library of a few books of interest on topics such as ancient philosophy, health, managing your wealth, biographies, travel, your hobbies and good old fiction and nonfiction adventure tales. Do exciting things. Take up a good hobby, I personally like to shoot a little skeet (sometimes it makes me say indiscreet things, but I always come back, can’t get enough of it). I have seen Lenin in his glass sarcophagus, and I have looked down on eagles soaring above the clouds below me. Oh, the trips into the wild and the many marvelous memories that have resulted. I have seen joy erupt on my daughter’s face while landing a 35# King Salmon in the outback of Alaska. Travel and learn other cultures, even if it is to investigate the next state over. There is a reason most of the world comes here for vacation.
It is wisdom that makes life interesting — no — fascinating!
Discussion Consideration: Another way to define wisdom is that to grow and perpetuate a love of learning. How will you develop wisdom?
Module 4: Personal Leadership
Essay: In the video entitled “What Defines a Leader,” Jim Collins identifies the trait of humility as being the most important trait that a great leader possesses. Discuss why humility is so important in a leadership role and how it defines the leader’s ambition for the organization.
(IN MAGNUS-OVÉA Book Chapter on Natural Pursuit pp 11-14)
Many thanks for the interest. Other readers comment that these discussions are particularly apropos at this moment in our country’s history. I am truly thankful for your interest.
Many thanks for the interest. Other readers comment that these discussions are particularly apropos at this moment in our country’s history. I am truly thankful for your interest.
Many thanks. It is rewarding to know that people like you find it interesting if not helpful. You Matter!
Thanks for the following. Stay tuned. You are why we do this work. It is actually about living life with meaning and legacy. We will live anyway, why not do it with significance.
Tonia: Thanks for the following. Stay tuned. You are why we do this work. It is actually about living life with meaning and legacy. We will live anyway, why not do it with significance.
Max: You are the reason I wrote the book. Thanks for the support and seeing its value. Tell your friends. Stay tuned for more posts.
Hollyanne: You are the reason we do this work. Try the books. May I suggest you start with Decriminalizing Mental Illness. And ‘stay tuned.’ We will have the next book in the series coming out this Summer. “”Becoming a New WAve Leader: The Promise of becoming MAGNUS–OVEA. You will like it. And thanks for following our web site.
Thanks. YOU are why we do this work. And we need it as much as ever; wouldn’t you agree. Jim
Celestia: Thanks. YOU are why we do this work. And we need it as much as ever; wouldn’t you agree. Jim
Many thanks Mead: Thanks. YOU are why we do this work. And we need it as much as ever; wouldn’t you agree. Jim
Thanks Muffin. This is my first blog, have to get used to it. Thanks for spreading the word, better yet that people buy the book. Stay tuned, I will have at least one more perhaps two books out this year. Thanks. YOU are why we do this work. And we need it as much as ever; wouldn’t you agree. Jim
Atalanta Thanks. YOU are why we do this work. And we need it as much as ever; wouldn’t you agree. Spread the word and perhaps get one of my books. All are about life and how to live it. Jim:
Am not doing newsletters by mail. Trying to get two more books out this year. Look for MAGNUS–OVEA early fall I hope.
Christye: Thanks. YOU are why we do this work. And we need it as much as ever; wouldn’t you agree. Spread the word and perhaps get one of my books. All are about life and how to live it. Trying to get two more books out this year. Look for MAGNUS–OVEA early fall I hope. Jim
Faye: Thanks. YOU are why we do this work. And we need it as much as ever; wouldn’t you agree. Spread the word and perhaps get one of my books. All are about life and how to live it. Trying to get two more books out this year. Look for MAGNUS–OVEA early fall I hope. Jim
Many thanks. I have a super web master and we do work on giving you good content that is meaningful and can improve your life journey.
Antalya: Many thanks for following me. Stay tuned to the blog and the next book will be out late summer. “The Promise of Becoming MAGNUS–OVEA: Becoming a New Wave Leader.”
Jim and Kelly Johnson, Webmaster